How to discard local changes in an SVN checkout?

I wanted to submit a diff for review, for an Open Source Project.

I got the code using SVN (from terminal, Ubuntu). And I did minor edits in few files. Now there is only a single change I want to submit. Rest of the changes I made, were for debugging, and are no longer required.

I have generated diff using svn di > ~/os/firstdiff.diff

So my question, How to discard my local changes?

Is there a SVN way to do it? If not, I will have to go to each file and delete all my edits. Then I would generate a new diff, and submit it.

Solution 1:

Just use the svn revert command, for example:

svn revert some_file.php

It is (as every other svn command) well documented in the svnbook resource or man page, or even with the svn help command.

Solution 2:

You need to revert all the changes using the svn revert command:

  • Revert changes to a file: svn revert foo.c
  • Revert a whole directory of files: svn revert --recursive .

Solution 3:

To discard local changes in one particular file:

$ svn revert example_directory/example_file.txt

To discard local changes in one particular folder:

$ svn revert -R example_directory/