Cannot Create User Account Named 'Con' Under Windows 7

Solution 1:

CON is a reserved word for Windows as it's the name of a device (console). Use something else.

Solution 2:

Here's the answer to my own question. 'con' is a reserved keyword under Windows. So, when I try to create an account named con, the respective document directories fail to be created and hence when I login, all my data is stored in temp, which is wiped on logging out.

To fix this, I deleted the current account named 'con' and created an account named 'con0'. This successfully made an account named con0 with its respective document directories as con0. Then I changed the Account Name to 'con' which made windows to associate the 'con0' user folder to con User Account.

Solution 3:

When you create a user, Windows also creates a home folder for that user. Traditionally that home folder is named same as the user. So the process of creating the CON user expected to fail when creating their home folder because that name is not allowed in the file system.

Also note, that Windows' filesystem is case insensitive, so "con" and "Con" have the same issue.

I am not sure if you can create another user name and then rename the user, because there are potentially other places that will conflict with the name. The general advice is to stay away from the reserved words - the benefit is most likely not worth the fight.