How do I know my laptop is 64-bit compatible?

Solution 1:

Find out what kind of processor it uses. If it's a 64-bit processor you should be all set. I think anything more recent than a Core 2 on the Intel side is 64-bit and AMD's 64-bit processors usually have a "64" in their name. These are not guaranteed rules, however, so you should always do your homework to be safe.

edit: Yes, the T5600 is 64-bit. You see under "Instructions" where it says "EM64T"? That indicates its a 64-bit chip.

Solution 2:

You could look at the registry:

  1. open regedit.exe
  2. navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0
  3. Look at the value called Identifier to find the processor type

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