Synchronize Podcasts across multiple computers with iTunes (on Windows)

This may be a little late, but I'd like to bring forward a similar post on another answers-type site. The responses there offer two options : SuperSync (US$20, Win/Mac) and SlingShot (US$30, Mac only). Both programs offer a demo version.

Both programs can sync iTunes libraries across multiple computers, keeping all files in check. Unfortunately, the FAQs don't state whether they update podcasst subscriptions themselves, but they will presumably copy over the podcast files themselves.

Mind you, this still means you have to install the third-party program on each computer you intend to sync up, but I guess this is a small price to pay in order to get parity between Libraries.

I hope this helps.

You could also consider using a web-based feed reader (like Google Reader) to keep track of your podcasts. All podcasts (I think) use a feed URL, and these can be added to Google Reader. The main difference between this and iTunes is that you'll be streaming the episodes instead of downloading them.