Button "Use as Defaults" are missing in View Options panel (Mountain Lion)

I'm a very new user of Apple and Mac OS - coming straight from Windows so please bear with me if my question is a bit foolished.

I'm looking for a way to set my View Option as a default property applying for all folders on my system. I've google this and every answer I'm getting points that I need to press the button "Use as Defaults" in the View Options windows.

Unfortuneately and strangely I do not have that button. I press CMD+J and I've the option to set all my View properties but no button.

I've attached a screenshot of my View Option panel and hopefully it shows it correctly, I couldn't quite figure how to make a screenshot either :-)


View Options Panel

Solution 1:

Here is the simple reason:

enter image description here

You are in this view and it does not have the Default, it is already default.

Switch to list view to set the defaults for it.