Change shortcut in Keynote

I 'd like to do a presentation with a wireless USB remote control. At one moment, I need to go to the previous animation phase – which would be the shortcut Shift–Left Arrow or [ (left bracket).

However, with my presenter it is only possible to go the previous slide — which would be the shortcut P, Delete, Page Up, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Shift–Up Arrow.

I do not want to use a keyboard since I want to speak freely in my presentation.

So the questions are: Is this a problem of my remote control? In other words: Are there remote controls that as well have a "previous animation phase" button? Do I need to somehow trick the system to make it work?

Solution 1:

You can do this in Mavericks pretty easily (I just did).

Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts, select "App Shortcuts" and click the + button. You'll be asked to select the app you want to create a shortcut for (Keynote, in my case), the exact text of the menu item you want to create a new shortcut for ("Play Slideshow" in my case), and the keyboard shortcut you want to assign (Shift-F5 in my case, which is what the Logitech R400 uses for "start slideshow").