How to escape single quotes in MySQL

Simply replace each single quote with two of them:

SELECT 'This is Ashok''s Pen.';

Or escape it with a backslash:

SELECT 'This is Ashok\'s Pen.'

' is the escape character. So your string should be:

This is Ashok''s Pen

If you are using some front-end code, you need to do a string replace before sending the data to the stored procedure.

For example, in C# you can do

value = value.Replace("'", "''");

and then pass value to the stored procedure.

See my answer to "How to escape characters in MySQL"

Whatever library you are using to talk to MySQL will have an escaping function built in, e.g. in PHP you could use mysqli_real_escape_string or PDO::quote

If you use prepared statements, the driver will handle any escaping. For example (Java):

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(driverUrl);
PreparedStatement prepped = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO tbl(fileinfo) VALUES(?)");
String line = null;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    prepped.setString(1, line);