How do I set up a "jagged array" in VBA?
I have a classroom full of kids, each of whom have to list their favorite toys for an assignment. Some kids only list 1 toy whereas others list more.
How do I create a jagged array such that Kids(x)(y)...where x is the number of kids in my class, and y is the list of toys that they list as their favorites?
"Jagged array" is slang for array of arrays. VBA'sVariant
data type can contain just about anything*, including an array. So you make an array of type Variant
, and assign to each of its elements an array of arbitrary length (i.e. not all of them have to have equal length).
Here's an example:
Dim nStudents As Long
Dim iStudent As Long
Dim toys() As Variant
Dim nToys As Long
Dim thisStudentsToys() As Variant
nStudents = 5 ' or whatever
ReDim toys(1 To nStudents) ' this will be your jagged array
For iStudent = 1 To nStudents
'give a random number of toys to this student (e.g. up to 10)
nToys = Int((10 * Rnd) + 1)
ReDim thisStudentsToys(1 To nToys)
'code goes here to fill thisStudentsToys()
'with their actual toys
toys(iStudent) = thisStudentsToys
Next iStudent
' toys array is now jagged.
' To get student #3's toy #7:
MsgBox toys(3)(7)
'will throw an error if student #3 has less than 7 toys
* A notable exception is user-defined types. Variants cannot contain these.
You can use a collection of collections
Public Sub Test()
Dim list As New Collection
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim item As Collection
For i = 1 To 10
Set item = New Collection
For j = 1 To i
item.Add "Kid" & CStr(i) & "Toy" & CStr(j)
Next j
list.Add item
Next i
Debug.Print "Kid 4, Toy 2 = " & list(4)(2)
End Sub
Which outputs Kid 4, Toy 2 = Kid4Toy2
Jean-Francois pointed out that each element can be an array of varying length. I would add that each element can also be of other types and need not be arrays. For example:
Dim c as New Collection
Dim a(1 to 5) as Variant
c.Add "a","a"
c.Add "b","b"
a(1) = 5
a(2) = Array(2,3,4)
set a(3) = c
a(4) = "abcd"
a(5) = Range("A1:A4").Value
The various child elements can then be referenced depending on the implicit type of each:
a(2)(1) = 3
a(3)(1) = "a"
a(5)(2,1) = whatever is in cell A2.
You could also concatenate the list of toys into eg a pipe-separated string, then use Split to turn the string into an array when needed:
Sub UntangleTheString()
Dim sToys As String
Dim aToys() As String
Dim x As Long
sToys = "baseball|doll|yoyo"
aToys = Split(sToys, "|")
For x = LBound(aToys) To UBound(aToys)
Debug.Print aToys(x)
End Sub