How to resize the top panel in Unity?

I want to resize (increase size) the Ubuntu 11.10 top taskbar, no the unity launcher, i've searched it on google, but i'm not encountered any solution.

I need it only for customize my Ubuntu 11.10 installation, for make it more aestetic.

Solution 1:

For 12.04:

Yes, now you can.

Unfortunately you can't do it by options or theming (even if adding a more CCSM option would be trivial), but you can easily change the plugins/unityshell/PanelStyle.cpp (in 12.04) or panel/PanelStyle.cpp (in later versions) panel_height property, setting it to a value you want. See:

Unity with panel height set to 44px

The only thing that doesn't "match" that value, is the icon size. However you can increase their size easily by editing the value defined in PanelIndicatorEntryView::MakePixbuf (currently hardcoded to 22px) and then rebuild Unity:

  • How do I build Unity from source?

Solution 2:

For 11.10:

Unfortunately this part of Unity is not customizable in Ubuntu 11.10, it is possible by editing the source in 12.04.