How to stop OSX from automatically opening iTunes when iOS device plugged in to charge? [duplicate]

When I connect my iPad or iPhone to my Mac iTunes automatically launches. What is the simplest way to prevent this from happening?

The simplest way is to un-tick the Automatically sync this... box* on the Summary Screen for the device in iTunes when the device is connected:

Open iTunes Tick Box

  • This is per device.

Alternatively you can just remove the iTunesHelper service under your Login Items which will disable it irrelevant of the tick box state.

From the iTunes menu at the top go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices>Prevent iPods, iPhones and iPads from syncing automatically. Check the box at the bottom of that window. Click OK, quit iTunes.

That will stop iTunes from launching when you connect the phone stop automatic syncing.

For all those who never use iTunes and do not have that 'Summary' panel (not sure why this happens, perhaps iTunes version too old)

I just disabled execution for iTunes altogether.

So, open terminal and sudo chmod -x /Applications/ - never see iTunes again.