Advanced disk usage analyzing software?

Solution 1:

Two easy options, both available in the Software Center:


gdmap screenshot


filelight screenshot

If neither of these meet your needs,edit your question with the specific features you want. That helps us understand your question better.

Solution 2:

I've just installed k4dirstat. (It's almost identical to WinDirStat, if you're familiar with that Windows program. I believe Windirstat is based on kdirstat.)

The feature that I find most useful - and which is missing from a lot of disk usage software - is that you can delete files from within the program, saving the hassle of switching back and forth between nautilus or a terminal and the disk usage program to clean up files.

If you're using Ubuntu 11.10 you can't install k4dirstat from the Software Centre, but you can install a backport - see this thread: Can I install kdirstat...