Any way of maintaining permissions when using NTFS mounted drive in Ubuntu?

If the partition is being shared with ubuntu and windows, you can use ntfs-3g.usermap to create a user map file.

Assume the partition is /dev/sdXn mounted at /NTFS

1) umount the partition

sudo umount /dev/sdXn

2) run ntfs-3g.usermap (it will create a file UserMapping at current directory)

 sudo ntfs-3g.usermap /dev/sdXn

3) remount

sudo mount /dev/sdXn

4)* copy UserMapping file

sudo mkdir /NTFS/.NTFS-3G
sudo cp UserMapping /NTFS.NTFS-3G/

Now everything should work. At least it worked for me in Ubuntu 11.10

The latest (23.12.2015) Tuxera page suggest the copying to /.NTFS-3G/:

The resulting mapping file is written on file UserMapping in the current directory. For the file to be usable, first mount the volume, then copy UserMapping to /.NTFS-3G/UserMapping in the mounted directory, then unmount the volume and mount it again.

So something like this:

sudo mkdir /.NTFS-3G
sudo cp UserMapping /.NTFS-3G/

Well you have a few options.

First, you can try the fsdriver

I do not know how well that driver will work, but if it does I would go that route as you use primarily Ubuntu.

The other option is to mount your ntfs partiton with linux permissions. You will need to add a line in fstab similar to

UUID=12102C02102CEB83  /media/windows  ntfs-3g  auto,users,permissions  0  0

Change your uuid to your windows partition ( use sudo blkid )

Assuming that works you can use a link or mount bind (again, an entry in fstab)

/media/windows/www /var/www none defaults,bind 0 0 

The disadvantage of the second method is ubuntu is not going to debug a ntfs partition if there is a problem with the file system.

Edit: One other potential solution - Run Windows in Virtualbox (or KVM) and use a shared folder or network share (samba).

Good luck

This worked for me on Lubuntu 15.10

  1. Open a terminal


  1. Unmount the ntfs drive (replace sdx with your drive; mine is sda3)

sudo umount /dev/sdx

  1. Edit fstab so ntfs-3g is used (ubuntu comes with leafpad installed; in other ditro's you might use gedit or a different text editor)

sudo leafpad /etc/fstab

  1. Change from ntfs to ntfs-3g. Something like this:

#Entry for /dev/sdx :

UUID=3844444444004444 /mnt/diskname ntfs-3g default,auto 0 0

  1. Save and close

  2. Mount all drives

sudo mount -a

  1. Open a file browser with root rights. (lubutu comes with pcmanfm installed however for other distributions you might have another file browser installed)

sudo pcmanfm

  1. Navigate to the folder you want and right click on it the File Proprieties window should open. Go to the Permissions tab and choose what you need.

enter image description here

  1. Click OK then everything should be just the way you want. (I also rebooted but I do not think is required)