2 internet connections for added speed

Solution 1:

EYou should try Speedify or Connectify Dispatch.
Speedify automatically detects and bonds active Internet connections such as WiFi, DSL, Ethernet, and 3G & 4G devices. The more you have the faster you’ll go!

If you want to do it free check this link.

Combining LANs (wired,wireless or DSL)

  1. Turn everything on, i.e. your computer, modems.
  2. Connect them on the relative ports.
  3. Dial, or do whatever you need to do to establish internet connection and test each one by one, separately. If all good proceed to the next step.
  4. While each one is active and connected navigate to the "Network Devices" folder of your computer. It usually stays under control panel.
    Windows 8 or Windows 8.1: Press Windows+D to navigate to the desktop, and rest is same as windows 7 below.
    For Windows 7 and Vista: Click the network icon on the task bar-> then click "Open Network and Sharing Center". Then click "Change Adapter settings".
    For XP: Click Start > Control Panel.Then on the Control Panel window, double-click Network Connections.
  5. Review the window showing all of your network connections. The active connections will be two blue desktops without a red cross sign.
  6. Drag and select Active LAN (Wired, Wireless or DSL Modem) connections.
  7. Right click on one of the selected-> click "Bridge Connections" . Then wait and a network bridge with different icon will appear. You might have to provide administrative right.
  8. Enjoy double speed :)

Combine All Other Types of Connection

Power up everything and connect to the required ports.
Check each connections separately.
Navigate to your network device (adapter) folder.
Right click one network adaptor at a time (out of your active and working adapters (connections)). Change the Interface Id to the same number (say choose 10 for all). Repeat this for each connection.
Click "OK" or "Apply." If neither of these is available click "Close". Don't click "No" or "Cancel".
Disconnect everything. Do a cold reboot (shut down the machine and then power it up again).
Reconnect everything. Enjoy maximized speed :)