Why is the use of tuples in C++ not more common?

Why does nobody seem to use tuples in C++, either the Boost Tuple Library or the standard library for TR1? I have read a lot of C++ code, and very rarely do I see the use of tuples, but I often see lots of places where tuples would solve many problems (usually returning multiple values from functions).

Tuples allow you to do all kinds of cool things like this:

tie(a,b) = make_tuple(b,a); //swap a and b

That is certainly better than this:


Of course you could always do this:


But what if you want to rotate three values? You can do this with tuples:

tie(a,b,c) = make_tuple(b,c,a);

Tuples also make it much easier to return multiple variable from a function, which is probably a much more common case than swapping values. Using references to return values is certainly not very elegant.

Are there any big drawbacks to tuples that I'm not thinking of? If not, why are they rarely used? Are they slower? Or is it just that people are not used to them? Is it a good idea to use tuples?

A cynical answer is that many people program in C++, but do not understand and/or use the higher level functionality. Sometimes it is because they are not allowed, but many simply do not try (or even understand).

As a non-boost example: how many folks use functionality found in <algorithm>?

In other words, many C++ programmers are simply C programmers using C++ compilers, and perhaps std::vector and std::list. That is one reason why the use of boost::tuple is not more common.

Because it's not yet standard. Anything non-standard has a much higher hurdle. Pieces of Boost have become popular because programmers were clamoring for them. (hash_map leaps to mind). But while tuple is handy, it's not such an overwhelming and clear win that people bother with it.

The C++ tuple syntax can be quite a bit more verbose than most people would like.


typedef boost::tuple<MyClass1,MyClass2,MyClass3> MyTuple;

So if you want to make extensive use of tuples you either get tuple typedefs everywhere or you get annoyingly long type names everywhere. I like tuples. I use them when necessary. But it's usually limited to a couple of situations, like an N-element index or when using multimaps to tie the range iterator pairs. And it's usually in a very limited scope.

It's all very ugly and hacky looking when compared to something like Haskell or Python. When C++0x gets here and we get the 'auto' keyword tuples will begin to look a lot more attractive.

The usefulness of tuples is inversely proportional to the number of keystrokes required to declare, pack, and unpack them.

For me, it's habit, hands down: Tuples don't solve any new problems for me, just a few I can already handle just fine. Swapping values still feels easier the old fashioned way -- and, more importantly, I don't really think about how to swap "better." It's good enough as-is.

Personally, I don't think tuples are a great solution to returning multiple values -- sounds like a job for structs.