Combining CSS Pseudo-elements, ":after" the ":last-child"

Solution 1:

This works :) (I hope multi-browser, Firefox likes it)

li { display: inline; list-style-type: none; }
li:after { content: ", "; }
li:last-child:before { content: "and "; }
li:last-child:after { content: "."; }

Solution 2:

I do like this for list items in <menu> elements. Consider the following markup:

  <li><a href="/member/profile">Profile</a></li>
  <li><a href="/member/options">Options</a></li>
  <li><a href="/member/logout">Logout</a></li>

I style it with the following CSS:

menu > li {
  display: inline;

menu > li::after {
  content: ' | ';

menu > li:last-child::after {
  content: '';

This will display:

Profile | Options | Logout

And this is possible because of what Martin Atkins explained on his comment

Note that in CSS 2 you would use :after, not ::after. If you use CSS 3, use ::after (two semi-columns) because ::after is a pseudo-element (a single semi-column is for pseudo-classes).

Solution 3:

An old thread, nonetheless someone may benefit from this:

li:not(:last-child)::after { content: ","; }
li:last-child::after { content: "."; }

This should work in CSS3 and [untested] CSS2.

Solution 4:

You can combine pseudo-elements! Sorry guys, I figured this one out myself shortly after posting the question. Maybe it's less commonly used because of compatibility issues.

li:last-child:before { content: "and "; }

li:last-child:after { content: "."; }

This works swimmingly. CSS is kind of amazing.

Solution 5:

Just To mention, in CSS 3


should be used like this


From :

The ::after notation was introduced in CSS 3 in order to establish a discrimination between pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. Browsers also accept the notation :after introduced in CSS 2.

So it should be:

li { display: inline; list-style-type: none; }
li::after { content: ", "; }
li:last-child::before { content: "and "; }
li:last-child::after { content: "."; }