What RSS reader software runs on iOS, Andriod and OS X for someone used to Google reader?

Solution 1:

Just some options I've found a few people discussing. Hope it helps.

  • Feed Wrangler

    David Smith announced that he’s been working on an RSS aggregation service to replace Google Reader.

  • Feedly

    ... just announced that if you’re using their app, they plan to seamlessly integrate the syncing to their own sync server.

  • Fever

    ...a self-hosted feed catcher that already syncs with Reeder, as well as quite a few other iOS apps.

  • River2

    River2 is a River of News feed reader with lots of features.

  • NetVibes

    ...one of the most popular web reader, offering a Google Reader-like interface as well as a snazzy iGoogle-like homepage.

  • NewsBlur

    ... is also a great option, with an interface that's very similar to Google Reader (and arguably a little more polished). You create an account with them, subscribe to your favorite sites, and can read them on any computer. They even have Android and iOS apps that'll sync your feeds, too

  • Feedbin.me

    See all your feed, summaries and article content side-by-side.

Source: 1, 2 & 3

Solution 2:

The closest one I've found is feedly and NewsBlur. They don't have native Mac apps, but have either web apps or Chrome extensions.

The problem is the Mac app. If you look in the App Store, none of those news apps have Android versions (like Reeder). The apps that support iOS and Android (Pulse, Flipboard), don't do native Mac.

Solution 3:

There is fever which works as an RSS combinator with a web-based interface and an API for various clients (e.g. Reeder). You'll need a hosting provider (or Amazon) to run the software on.