FLAC audio support for OS X 10.9

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but native support of FLAC in Mavericks is near non-existent.

Your best bet would be to just convert your FLAC to ALAC, or Apple Lossless Audio Codec.

You can download the free utility XLD, or X Lossless Decoder, to convert.

Download XLD from its homepage here: http://tmkk.undo.jp/xld/index_e.html

It may not fill yours, or our, wishlists (eg Finder and iTunes integration) but no one has noted that


will play FLAC files directly from macOS. The UI is far from ideal but certainly saves all that dull tedium of conversion if you're in a hurry to hit Play.

I have had little joy so far, after trying several downloads.

You can install Fluke to play Flac audio files in some apps, such as Quicktime Player 7.

This doesn't resolve the issue though, because it appears Quicklook preview still does not work.

I had hopes for Xiph.org's codecs, and Perian, though the latter probably just uses Xiph and is no longer maintained. Still no support for previewing Quicklook.

It's possible I have some conflicting plugin/codec somewhere, but I doubt it. I tried to clear stale files from the Components, QuickTime, and QuickLook folders (of both the root and the user Library folders) after each install.

Unfortunately Fluke doesn't work for me. To play FLAC files, I use Cog or Play (they seem no longer maintained, but work perfectly on Mavericks). To convert/import them to iTunes, there is FLAC to Any Lite.