How to create a minimalist cartoon avatar using linux?

Solution 1:

I know there are softwares like gimp available for this platform but I have a very little knowledge about them.

So do apt-get -y install gimp and try it out! It's not very hard to make a "minimalistic cartoon avatar" in gimp. I don't think there is a FOSS tool that just takes a photo .jpg and spits out a "minimalistic cartoon avatar" automatically.

Solution 2:

I personally suggest Krita. It's powerful, easy to use for beginners, and the interface will be somewhat familiar for Photoshop users. I strongly suggest getting the latest version via their download page, since it has numerous improvements over the versions available in the Ubuntu repositories. It's distributed in AppImage format too, so it's easy to remove if you decide you don't want it.

Also note that it is possible to install Photoshop on Linux by installing the playonlinux package and using that. However, it's not likely to be as reliable as native software and you can't expect support if it doesn't work. (Source: myself; I've written several scripts for PlayOnLinux.)