How do I get the IP address of an LXC container for automation?

How can I get the IP address of an LXC container in a format I can use in scripting?

Right now, the command lxc info <container> report that information, but in a human readable format, with a lot of information.

I would like to ONLY to GET the IP address given a container name.

Note: I HAVE to duplicate this question because Linux Containers have changed a lot.

Installing lxd and using unprivileged containers is the default way to go this days (2017) and I think the solutions posted on the original question are do not resolve the issue in this case.

In any case, I installed the package lxc1 to get access to the command lxc-info, but that command doesn't recognize any of my unprivileged containers.

A native solution (which isn't any prettier than @siloko's answer) would be

lxc list "<name>" -c 4 | awk '!/IPV4/{ if ( $2 != "" ) print $2}'

There are alternatives to awk, but that's tangential to the question.

So far this is the easiest way:

lxc list -c4 --format csv <container> | cut -d' ' -f1

But maybe it will be possible without cut.

EDIT: Uncut bash:

a=( $(lxc list -c4 --format csv u1) ) ip4=$a[1] echo $ip4

Hint from @monstermunchkin from the above issue.