What are the most notable new things in Black Ops?

  1. No Stopping Power or Juggernaut type perks.
  2. Killstreaks are not stackable. You will have to earn all the killstreak rewards yourself
  3. Theater mode. You can actually record gameplay without a capture card
  4. Sleight of Hand Pro will not increase the speed of aiming down sights for sniper rifles
  5. All snipers rifles with be one-hit kills from the chest up.
  6. You can actually see what your character will look like based on the tier 1 perk you choose.
  7. Wager match game types: Sticks and Stones, Sharpshooter, One in the chamber and Gun Game
  8. Combat Training -- You can play computer controlled bots on multiplayer maps
  9. Some multiplayer maps have interactive environments
  10. Scavenger will only resupply ammunition and lethal grenades
  11. The equipment slot
  12. Regional Match Making - It will be easier to find player closer to you
  13. Customizable game mode - You can now share these types of games with other players
  14. Weapons Prestige - Your weapons can now prestige like players can.

Without a doubt, the most interesting "new" feature in Black Ops is the currency system. Basically, you earn "money" for completing rounds that can be used by buy weapon/skill/etc unlocks. Instead of unlocking them at set levels, you can buy the unlocks whenver you want as long as you have enough money. They are even going to have special match times where you can bet your money that you'll win and potentially win even more. A quick Google returned this:


But I'm sure you could find some better links if you looked for them. Other than that, the weapons, perks, and kill streaks are all pretty similar to previous ones with very minor changes only. This is definitely a place where Treyarch is doing something new.

  • Change face paint
  • Have your clan tag etched on your weapon