How can I set the zone like I want?

Suppose that I have 2 roads like those below and I want to zone ONE residential with an entrance (^) on east/west road ( the house is on a field of 3 squares)

^ +...+
^ +...+
^ +...+

But the computer does not let me build the way I want. It set 3 residential zones of one sqare each on north/south road instead.

> +...+
> +...+
> +...+

How can I set the zone the way I want ?
Am not suppose to act like god ? :-)

Solution 1:

When zoning you can hold the following keys (or any combination) to adjust how it will configure the plots:

  • Shift: Temporarily disables automatic street placement

  • Alt: Rotates zone to face perpendicular road

  • Ctrl: Forces a specific plot size

It sounds like you would want to use the Alt key.

Check this post for additional useful hotkeys