Is there a Windows script to disable & enable the Intel GPU?

So I've bought a new laptop with the Intel 4400 GPU. Which I'm trying to connect to an external monitor with hdmi, only the monitor gives me a no signal error.

So I went on Google and found a workaround which is disable the Intel GPU and then re-enable it in devicemanagement. Which surprisingly works so I'm looking now for a Windows script (bat file) which does it for me.

So I'm looking for a script which can disable the Intel GPU and enable it again.

Thank you.

I am not sure if this is possible without any 3rd party tools so here's my approach done with one handy tool from Nirsoft.

  1. Download devmanview.exe, move it to the system32 folder and run it.
  2. Find the specified GPU, right click it and click Properties, copy the Device Name value and paste it somewhere, because you'll need it later.
  3. Now copy this into Notepad:
@echo off
echo *** Restarting GPU ***
devmanview.exe /disable_enable "DeviceName"
echo *** Done ***
  1. Replace DeviceName with the string you've copied earlier keeping the quotes, for example: devmanview.exe /disable_enable "NVIDIA GeForce 210".
  2. Save the file with the .bat extension somewhere near and that's it.

To reboot the video driver, all you have to do is run this batch file.

Remember: other applications that depend on the GPU may crash.

Microsoft has a very powerfull command line tool Windows Device Console (Devcon.exe) which can be used to script the device manager.

Example for enabling / disabling the Intel Graphics:

devcon.exe disable "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400"
devcon.exe enable "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400"