What does Mad Moxxi's tip jar in Sanctuary do?

What does Mad Moxxi's tip jar in Sanctuary do? You can tip her either $100 or $1000.

Solution 1:

An achievement and guns. (No cutscenes.)

The "Sugar Daddy" achievement unlocks at $10,000 cumulatively donated. You can exit the game without saving to keep the achievement and your money.

Moxxi hands over two guns (and variants whereof):

  • Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch, a red, corrosive SMG
  • Miss Moxxi's Good Touch, a purple, incendiary SMG, vibrates your controller when in use

The Bad Touch triggers between 5k and 20k, and the Good Touch between 10k and 50k (when tipping in $1000 increments). This amount could be random—reports are inconclusive.

You can return to (or reload) Sanctuary for more Good Touches, but reportedly, there is only one Bad Touch per playthrough. The variants (e.g., "Guileless" and "Impetuous") tend to have lower stats. The guns' level reqs scale to your story progress. You can always restart your game from the last save if you don't like your results.

Miss Moxxi's Good Touch

Solution 2:

Tipping her $10000 gets an achievement.

Solution 3:

I have gotten two guns. the first at $20,000 she says isn't her favorite then at $50,000 is her favorite gun and to use it to see why

Solution 4:

According to this link if you give her 15 000$ in tips you could get a vibrating gun that make the 2nd controller vibrate all the time for the ladies :D

Note: you could get 2 weapons: Moxxi's Good Touch (as described above) or Moxxi's Bad Touch, which doesn't vibrate.

Solution 5:

The first time you tip her $10000 you just get an achievement and a badass rank. Each additional time you tip her $10000, you get a weapon - usually it's quite good.