Loop audio file to a given length

Solution 1:

ffmpeg can do that for you, but you might need two steps

Optional Step 1: Find length of original file

ffmpeg -i '/path/to/original.mp3' 2>&1 | grep 'Duration :'

Now you can calculate the number of repetitions necessary. As an alternative, you can just use a "safe" number of repetitions, as too many won't hurt.

Step 2: Loop the file and cut it to needed length

create "concat.txt" with this content

file '/path/to/original.mp3'
file '/path/to/original.mp3'
file '/path/to/original.mp3'
file '/path/to/original.mp3'
file '/path/to/original.mp3'

It must have at least as many lines as repetitions are necessary, but, again, more won't hurt, so you can use a safe (too high) line count

And run ffmpeg (assuming you want 123.456 seconds):

ffmpeg -t 123.456 -f concat -i concat.txt -c copy -t 123.456 output.mp3

Solution 2:

This can be achieved by using (appending) the below command:

-stream_loop -1 -i D:\music\mp4.mp3

This means that the D:\music\mp4.mp3 file should be looped infinitely, until the video ends.
