How do I circumvent the "Your connection is not private" error

For school, I sometimes need to go to third party websites for audio books for class. A lot of the YouTube ones are restricted, so I try to find ones on third party sites. I then get an error saying "Your connection is not private".

How can I tell Google Chrome or the school wifi that I don't care that my connection is not private? I don't have super secret data or passwords. I am just some random student, why would any attacker target me? And since I don't have any important info, what is the worst they could do? How can I make it clear that I don't care how private my connection is?

As of Chrome 77.0.3865.75 (Official Build) (64-bit) for Windows, if you type thisisunsafe on the error page (not into any textbox, just blindly while the page has focus), it will do the equivalent of clicking the no-longer-existing "Proceed" link. This is probably the best solution for now if you're using Chrome.

Simply enable this option: Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost, from chrome://flags, you can quickly tells Google Chrome from accepting self-signed SSL certificate and get rid of this issue.
