Low disk space: home/user folder occupies 94GB

Solution 1:

Looks like there is a very big file in /home/teddy. You can look for it either in Nautilus, checking view hidden files, list view and ordering by size, or from the command line:

du -a --max-depth=1 ~ | sort -n

The last entry before the home dir itself should be the biggest file.

du reports the file size of the first argument and all it's subdirs.

  • -a makes it show all files and dirs
  • --max-depth=1 keeps it from looking on all subdirs.

sort will sort the results

  • -n they will be sorted numerically.

Solution 2:

If you think you have some gigantic files that disk analyzer is not seeing for some reason, you may use ls to look for large files. Try this for example: ls -alrS in your home folder.

Is this a wubi installatoin shared with win32 files? A few weeks ago I encountered a similar issue on a wubi system that was installed by a friend. As it is in your case, the disk analyzer was showing a really high value for home folder, much more than the sum of its sub-folders. I cant comment on why disk analyser was behaving in this way, but the approach I took in my case was to do a clean install of Ubuntu on a dedicated partition. Of course that is not a very good solution, but if this is a relatively new system, it might be a reasonable workaround.

Hopefully someone else can shed some light on why disk analyzer is behaving in this way, and how to make that disk space available.