Is it easy to install Apache web server on Ubuntu desktop?

So I have decided to build a Ubuntu computer, for now I am going to dual boot with Win7, and then install apache web server. Figured I would give the whole web thing a try. Did some searching but didn't find something powerful enough, I will continue searching as I am sure there is a multitude of items on here... but one quick question.

Has anyone installed Ubuntu desktop, and then apache web server ? Was it easy to do?

Solution 1:

Very very very very easy. Besides installing apache by itself with

sudo apt-get install apache2

you can do even more since you might want to install Perl for coding on the server and MySQL for database storage. So Ubuntu comes with a tool that can set up a complete LAMP server with 1 installation.

sudo apt-get install tasksel

and then run tasksel as superuser

sudo tasksel

Choose the option LAMP installation and you will get a pre-configured(!) Apache, MySQL and Perl installation. All you need is a root password for MySQL.

Shorter version:

sudo apt-get install lampserver^

No more need for "tasksel" since the ^ is now used to tell "apt-get" it is a "task" that needs to be installed.

Solution 2:

Yes. Just run sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get install apache2 in a terminal. Or search for it in the Software Center.