Lenovo Mute LED Button Not Working

The LED light that turns on when I press the mute button on or off, respectively, does not turn on in Ubuntu, yet turns on in Xubuntu. If anyone has any knowledge or help please lemme know!

Btw, this is a Lenovo w520 laptop!


The light doesn't turn on, it's strictly a cosmetic effect, but a nice one!

As the OP hasn't logged in for some time, I am not awaiting the results of the output of the commands requested in the comment, but just posting the solution for my HP laptop.

  1. Start alsamixer in the terminal.

  2. Make sure you've selected the internal sound card (not the HDMI or external ones) by pressing F6.

  3. Try to locate a setting for LEDs, presented between the sliders. In my case it lists a Mute-LED Mode. Use the to move to the right in case you have more sliders than fit on the screen.

  4. Move to the "slider" and adjust it using the and keys in order to find a Follow Master option (or alike). Also try to toggle the LED state manually by flipping the setting On/Off.

  5. Now move to the Master slider and press M to mute/unmute. The LED should toggle with it.

  6. Try to use the hotkeys to mute/unmute. The LED should toggle with it again.

enter image description here

I was unaware that this question never got answered, or that it has been so long, and I just recently (about an hour ago) found the culprit and it was rather simple, I had to remove a couple lines from my /etc/default/grub file that redirected what the ACPI did and now this is working great!

I had to change the grub cmdline default from this:

grub_cmdline_linux_default= "quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor acpi_osi=linux"

to this:


I found that by removing the acpi_osi = linux line allowed the LED to work, and removing acpi_backlight=vendor allowed me to change the laptop brightness using the slider under brightness and lock. The latter was a separate issue that made me figure out the former.

I deeply apologize for the extreme delay in response as for some reason I neglected to get notifications for this question.