Can I move the password field to the center of the login screen?

I am using Ubuntu 11.10 ( I reverted back from 12.04 to 11.10 because of stability issues). I would like to know is it possible to change the location of the password field in the login screen ?

Options for 11.10

The layout of the login screen is controlled by the greeter package (plugin) for LightDM; the default with the left-side layout is unity-greeter. There's no way to modify unity-greeter to do what you want short of changing the source code, but it's easy to get centered layout with these alternative greeters if you don't mind the slightly simple design:

1. Use the gtk-greeter:

enter image description here

  • sudo apt-get install lightdm-gtk-greeter

    Install via the software center

  • open /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and change the greeter-session=unity-greeter to:

  • save, exit, and either reboot or switch to the console (Ctrl-Alt-F1) and run sudo service lightdm restart
  • 11.10 has a qt-greeter (for Kubuntu) and themes for Mythbuntu, but they didn't work for me on regular Ubuntu

2. Switch to GDM for a similar layout to (1):

enter image description hereenter image description here

  • sudo apt-get install gdm

    Install via the software center

  • switch to GDM when you are prompted (see this answer for more details or a GUI way to install GDM)