Allow scrolling past end of page

I created a chrome extension just for you, it's a pretty rough fix but it will get the job done without doing anything else. Check it out:

Note to you: This might not work on super-interactive websites that have parallax effects and what-not. Try and you'll see.

Note to web developers who read the source code: Yes, I know there are better ways to do this than appending a few dozen <br/> to the page's HTML.

Note to you if you happen to be a web developer or at least know simple HTML: What the extension basically does is it appends a lot of <br/> tags at the end of the page body when you click its button. I added a lot of them since my screen is pretty big but if you decide you still want more, you can always click it twice. Or thrice... ;)

Also, you sure could have went in and manipulated the source of the website yourself. But isn't pressing a button much easier?

Here is the CSS code I use for this, the version that caused me less problems on less sites. See Stylish addon or the corresponding thing for your browser in order to install it. The '700px' is my page view area minus some small amount in order to make last lines visible at the end of scroll.

html {
    height: auto !important;
    padding-bottom: 700px !important;

For example, in Firefox browser, click 'Write blank style' in Stylish menu, then enter the following code:

@namespace url(;
@-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://), url-prefix(ftp://), url-prefix(file://) {
    html {
        height: auto !important;
        padding-bottom: 700px !important;

I should add that I tested it on Firefox only, although it should work on any browser.