What would cause the "gi" module to be missing from Python?
After some not so clever editing of the default Python version in Ubuntu, from 2.7 to 3.2, I ended up breaking my entire system. After my computer imploded and everything stopped working, I tried to revert back my changes (by linking /usr/bin/python2.7
to /usr/bin/python
and changing the default version in /usr/share/python/debian_defaults
back to 2.7) but some things are still broken.
For example, when I type import gi
in the Python interpreter I get the following message:
>>> import gi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named gi
error which appears with some programs too (eg: gnome tweak tool). I have tried re-installing Python both from the software center and from sources, but the same error persists.
python --version
now returns:
Python 2.7.2
and also some software packages which depend on Python 2.7 are now working (for example the software center), but some things are still broken. Is there anything I can do to completely re-install Python 2.7 as the default version?
Solution 1:
I've found three ways to do this:
The simple way:
sudo apt-get install python3-gi
For virtualenv users - The vext way
pip install vext
pip install vext.gi
The pure python developer way:
Install a bunch of developer stuff:
sudo apt-get install pkg-config libcairo2-dev gcc python3-dev libgirepository1.0-dev
Install the python packages:
pip install gobject PyGObject
Solution 2:
If you installed anaconda and it has become the default python environment, gi module can be installed via:
conda install -c conda-forge pygobject
Also see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/1611523