How to set user passwords using passwd without a prompt?

Solution 1:

Try usermod:

usermod --password PASSWORD USERNAME

The only thing is this needs a pre-encrypted password string which you'd have to generate first.

In order to generate the encrypted password you can use openssl. For example:

usermod --password $(echo MY_NEW_PASSWORD | openssl passwd -1 -stdin) USERNAME

Solution 2:

You should look at the chpasswd command (if available in your linux flavor):

echo 'userid:newpasswd' | chpasswd

Or, you can cat a file listing userid:passwd for each account on a separate line.

That's it.

Solution 3:

Inspired by Eric Smith's idea, combining openssl passwd and usermod -p command worked. Generate hashed value of password along with salt value.

$ openssl passwd -1  -salt 5RPVAd clear-text-passwd43

Then, copy the encrypted string to usermod. Make sure to wrap it with single quote.

$ usermod -p '$1$5RPVAd$vgsoSANybLDepv2ETcUH7.' root

Check it out in shadow file.

$ grep root /etc/shadow

Solution 4:

Here is a good solution, just one line:

useradd -p $(openssl passwd -1 "$pass") "$user"

I can add others parameters like -m to create the home directoty, etc.