Start Dropbox on Startup

I installed Dropbox (2.0.26) via the command line instructions here.

Dropbox is running great except that it won't start on startup. The command given, ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd, runs fine via the terminal or Alt+F2, but it isn't working in Startup Programs.

I'm probably missing something obvious regarding the syntax for a startup program command. Any suggestions?

Follow these steps to make Dropbox start up each time.

  1. Click on the Ubuntu "Dash" icon
  2. Type Startup Applications in the Dash search area
  3. Click on the "Startup Applications" ico
  4. Click "Add" button
  5. For "Name:", type Dropbox
  6. For "Command:", type /home/{your-username}/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
  7. For "Comment:", this can be left blank
  8. Click "Add" button
  9. Click "Close" button
  10. Restart your computer

Click on the dropbox icon on the top of your screen, hit "preferences" and tick the button where it says "Start dropbox on system startup" in the "general" tab.

In the terminal, type

dropbox autostart y

First you have to create a dropbox.desktop file, with the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=File Synchronizer
Comment=Sync your files across computers and to the web
Exec=dropbox start -i

Once its created, you need to move it to ~/.config/autostart folder, reboot, and that's it.

enter image description here

Remark: if dropbox was installed from the command line, the line "Exec=dropbox start -i" doesn't work, it needs to be replaced by "Exec=/home/username/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd" where /home/username is your home directory.