Who to follow on Twitter if you are interested in Ubuntu?

I'd like to know whom I should follow on Twitter, to get my daily dose of Ubuntu news, tips, and random bits.

Which members from the Ubuntu community are active on Twitter?

Solution 1:

These are people related to Ubuntu, in some capacity or other. Most of them are developers, and UI designers. Some are fansites. I will keep adding more as I find them.

Ubuntu Evangelist, and owner of Canonical: Mark Shuttleworth.

Unity’s Technical Lead and Canonical DX Team Member: Neil Patel.

Fansite: OMG Ubuntu.

Fansite: Ubuntu Gamer.

Blog and Fansite: Planet Ubuntu.


Canonical Design Team Lead: Ivanka Majic

Ubuntu Engineering Director: Rick Spencer

UX & visual designer for Ubuntu: Mateusz Tomaszewski

Open Source Consultant, Developer: Richard Johnson

Ubuntu Community Manager: Jono Bacon

Official Twitter Channel of The Ubuntu Cloud: UbuntuOne

The Canonical Design Team: Ubuntu Designers

Project Manager at Ubuntu: Iain Farell

Solution 2:

Jorge Castro (website)

Ask Ubuntu (website) :D

Wepupd8 (website)

Ubuntuka (website)

Ubuntu podcast (website)

Ubuntu podcast UK (website)

Ubuntujames (Website)

Ubuntu chick Nixie pixel (website)

Full circle magazine (website).

Ubuntu Manual (website)

Dutch: Ubuntu NL (website)

Solution 3:

A few that haven't been mentioned from those I'm following:

  • Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) is heavily involved in design work at Canonical
  • Aaron Bockover founded and continues to develop Banshee
  • Michael Larabel runs Phoronix (popular hardware and benchmarking website)
  • Marco Ceppi is a moderator on this very site
  • Asa Doltzer works at Mozilla and posts lots of Firefox stuff
  • The Ubuntu Developers account has all sorts of goodness
  • The Ubuntu UK Podcast

Solution 4:

  • Ubuntu Vibes has interesting information too, game oriented.
  • Ubuntu Status has news about security updates.
  • Ubuntu One posts status information about Ubuntus cloud service.

Solution 5:

Our blog, 2buntu (link to the blog here), recently launched a twitter feed as well. We try to regularly post tips etc, and our blog posts are auto-tweeted.

Personally I also follow

  • techiebuzzer
  • ubuntujames