How do I determine which virtual disk is which in Linux?

Solution 1:

From the information you provide, you have two VM disks:

  • /dev/sda: 8GB with two partitions /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2

  • /dev/sdb: 750GB with no partition, which should be the one you newly added.

Your fdisk -l command result shows that you have created a LVM volume called fedora_dataserv and according to the used disk space, you are using the /dev/sda disk only.

You can refer to the Answer I have posted before, change the value of deb-web138 to fedora_dataserv. For example:

# vgextend deb-web138 /dev/sdb1
# lvresize -L+70G /dev/deb-web138/root
# resize2fs /dev/deb-web138/root

are changed to:

# vgextend fedora_dataserv /dev/sdb1
# lvresize -L+70G /dev/fedora_dataserv/root
# resize2fs /dev/fedora_dataserv/root

in order to increase the space you can use.

Solution 2:

If you simply type


you will see, which folder is mounted to which disk.