In Azure Sandbox, can't create a WordPress site [closed]

I am learning Azure and as learning exercise I need to create a WordPress website.

I use this Microsoft learning documentation.

I activated the sandbox, but when it comes to create a website resource, I obtain an error:

enter image description here

Resource 'ServicePlan4b9381a9-93ea' was disallowed by policy.

   "message":"The template deployment failed because of policy violation. Please see details for more information.",
         "message":"Resource 'ServicePlan4b9381a9-93ea' was disallowed by policy. (Code: RequestDisallowedByPolicy)",

Solution 1:

I was also facing the same issue but was able to create a WordPress website when I changed the App service plan.

I created a new App Service plan F1 Pricing tier (Free) under Dev/Test and everything worked. :)

It looks like SandBox do not have permission to create any App Service Plan other than F1 (Free).

I have added screenshots for the steps. Step1 Step2

Solution 2:

I found that by default, the setup of the service plan defaults to "Production". If you select "Dev/Test" then S1 the exercise will complete as designed