Why is SQL Server Managment Studio so slow to open? [closed]

In Tools - Options, go to the Environment - General section and for the At Startup option, select Open empty environment. See if that improves anything.

I hate using SSMS because it is slow and cumbersome. The older Enterprise Manager in SQL 2000 was quick to load and much snappier in reponse to actions. That's progress for you.

This might work...

  1. Download the Certificate Revocation List from: http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/CodeSignPCA.crl
  2. Create a path on a local web server for /pki/crl/products and put the CRL there.
  3. Create an entry on the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc) to put crl.microsoft.com to the IP address of that local web server.

It's normally slow to open the first time after you start up your computer, but should get faster after that.

The reason is that it uses the .Net framework for some things, and that's probably the only .Net framework app you use on your machine. So the first time, all those assemblies (dlls) need to be loaded as well.

But this happens only once. From then on they're cached, and even if that cache is paged to disk the retrieval isn't too bad.