Split vim window

Solution 1:

You probably are looking for GNU Screen.

From this tutorial

Splitting the screen in half horizontally

Screen has the ability to split the window into two or more half horizontal windows. This feature will enable you, for example, to work in a half screen, while viewing the system resources ("top") in the remaining half.

To split the screen in two, first create two screen sessions. Then press Ctrl+a S which will split the screen in half, giving you a session on the top that you're already using and a blank session at the bottom.

To move to the bottom half, press Ctrl+a, then the TAB key.

Solution 2:

Don't forget the vim quickfix commands for the edit-compile cycle (see :help quickfix and :help make).

Maybe it's a radical suggestion but consider using a tiling window manager. In the following screenshot you can see vim in the left column, with the quickfix window opened, and on the right an xterm used to launch and test the application. The window manager used is called wmii.

alt text

Solution 3:

You can also try tmux , which is an alternative to GNU screen and is actively developed. You can set screen like shortcuts and have a nice configurable status bar.

Solution 4:

You can use the VIM-Shell patch. This way, you don't have to remember to create a screen session for Vim before editing.