Why isn't Firefox 8.0 available as an update in the Update Manager?

So recently I've read that Firefox 8.0 is out, thought of updating, opened the Update Manager, refreshed the sources, but there was no uodate. Is there a particular reason for that?

Firefox 8 had some issues with language packs and has finally been pushed out via an update:

  • https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/firefox/+bug/887339

Micah Gersten, one of the maintainers of Firefox in the distro adds:

In this case, there was an issue found upstream in 8.0 almost immediately after release. Since this was discovered before I could complete my acceptance testing for 8.0, I decided to wait for 8.0.1. Mozilla should be releasing 8.0.1 fairly soon and we will release shortly after them.

Normally Firefox is kept up to date via the update manager (a delay like this is unusual):

  • How do I install the latest stable version of Firefox?

This bug may also be relevant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/888307

actually, you can get the update through the separate repository... add this line into your terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next

Then, run the update for the list

sudo apt-get update

Then, install // upgrade the firefox installation using this command..

sudo apt-get install firefox

Tadaaa, Firefox 8.0 is ready on your machine~

Firefox 8

Usually, the Ubuntu main repo didn't update as fast as lightning for the firefox version, you need the external repository from the launchpad. I hope I'm solving the mystery~