PHP - empty $_POST and $_FILES - when uploading larger files

Solution 1:

As noted in the edited question $_POST and $_FILES are empty when PHP silently discards data (happens when the actual data is bigger than post_max_size). Since HTTP header and $_GET remain intact those can be used to detect the discards.

Option a)

if(intval($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])>0 && count($_POST)===0){
    throw new Exception('PHP discarded POST data because of request exceeding post_max_size.');

Option b)
Add a GET parameter that tells whether POST data is present.

Solution 2:

Run phpinfo() and check to make sure your upload_max_filesize and post_max_size directives are large enough.

Solution 3:

There are some limits - both on client and server side.

On client side, the MAX_FILE_SIZE field is not of much use, perhaps browser may take it as a hint; but rather browsers follow their configured limits.

On server side, check php.ini for:

upload_max_filesize = 5M

post_max_size = 5M 

max_input_time = ...

Also check Apache's log for notes about dropped POST body or such.