Can ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse work in htaccess?

Solution 1:

You cannot use a ProxyPass in an htaccess file. The documentation says it is only applicable in the context:

Context: server config, virtual host, directory

which excludes htaccess (you can't have a <Directory> block in htaccess). However, you can use a ProxyPassReverse to internally rewrite the Location field of proxied requests that cause a redirect. You'll just need to use mod_rewrite's P flag to proxy instead of ProxyPass. So something like:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/?img/(.*)$$1 [L,P]
RewriteRule ^/?app/(.*)$$1 [L,P]

ProxyPassReverse /

Just to be clear, you cannot use ProxyPass or ProxyPassReverse in the htaccess file, but you can use ProxyPassReverse with mod_rewrite rules that utilize the P flag.