Android app crashes with SIGABRT Signal 6 only while Eclipse debugging

android intentionally kills the process because it thinks the UI thread is hung, so its a ANR right. for debugging purposes you can,

Go to Settings -> Developer options and check Show all ANRs.

This will show an App Not Responding dialog for apps running in the background. You can click the Wait button in the dialog to prevent the system from killing your process until the debugger attaches. Note that the dialog is opened automatically for apps running in the foreground. For background apps, you have to enable this option

This started happening to me in android 7.1.1

When attaching debugger my app always crashed, same when starting app in debug mode.

What fixed it for me is simply:

  • Run your app
  • Click on "Mute Breakpoints" in Debug
  • Attach the debugger
  • Re-Click on "Mute Breakpoints" to unmute
  • Done, debugging works again