Getting Checkbutton state
How do I get the 'state'
of a Tkinter Checkbutton
? By 'state'
I mean get whether or not it has a check mark in it or not.
When you're creating it, it takes a variable
keyword argument. Pass it an IntVar
from Tkinter
. Checking or unchecking the box will set that value contained by var
to the corresponding boolean state. This can be accessed as var.get()
checked => var.get()
not checked => not var.get()
>>> root = Tkinter.Tk()
>>> var = Tkinter.IntVar()
>>> chk = Tkinter.Checkbutton(root, text='foo', variable=var)
>>> chk.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT)
>>> var.get() #unchecked
>>> var.get() #checked
If you use the new* ttk module from tkinter, you can read and write checkbutton states without assigning variables.
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
tkwindow = tkinter.Tk()
chk = ttk.Checkbutton(tkwindow, text="foo")
chk.grid(column=0, row=0)
Notice that the new checkbox defaults to the "alternate", sometimes called "half-checked", state:
You can read the current state usinge the .state() method:
>>> print(chk.state()) # half-checked
>>> print(chk.state()) # checked
>>> print(chk.state()) # not checked
To set the state in code:
chk.state(['selected']) # check the checkbox
chk.state(['!selected']) # clear the checkbox
chk.state(['disabled']) # disable the checkbox
chk.state(['!disabled','selected']) # enable the checkbox and put a check in it!
And here is a convenient way to check for a specific state:
chk.instate(['selected']) # returns True if the box is checked
There are two tricky things I've found:
The initial state is "alternate", and this state flag doesn't get cleared when adding a "selected" state flag. So, if you want to toggle your checkbutton in code, you'll first need to clear the "alternate" flag:
If you disable/enable the checkbutton using
chk.state(['disabled']) chk.state(['!disabled'])
then everything works fine. But, if you use these common, alternate methods:
chk.config(state=tk.DISABLED) chk.config(state=tk.NORMAL)
then it reasserts the 'alternate' flag.
This behavior doesn't happen if you assign a variable to the checkbutton, but then, if you wanted to assign a variable then this answer probably won't help you :)
* ttk became available in Python 2.7 (Tk 8.5). This question talks about the differences between the old standard widgets and the newer, "themed" ones.