Term for disrespecting people with lower social condition

What is it called if I have a good social condition (education, money, etc.) and I disrespect people with a lower condition?

Some possibilities:

  • snobbery
  • snootiness
  • classism
  • elitism (or élitism)

The words that came immediately to mind were condescension, which means patronizingly superior behavior or attitude, or disdain, which means a feeling or show of superiority and dislike; contempt; scorn.

There are many other words for the belief that you are better than others.

That would be an example of snobbery. I'd say you were being a snob

snob: A person who seeks to be, or is, a member of the upper classes and looks down on lower classes, such as the middle class and the poor. More generally, an egotistical person who often thinks of people as inferior, particularly anyone not being within their clique or class

In general, you are bigoted or are a bigot: you treat members of some demographic group as inferior to yourself, especially to the point of intolerance or even hatred.

Specifically, you are classist; you are intolerant of members of unequal social status. Understand that you can be on the lowest rungs of the social ladder and be a classist, regarding those of higher wealth as inferior to yourself; many of us actually do regard stereotypical "old money" types with disdain when they display their naivete of and inability to function in the "real world" without all of the conveniences and assistance their money can buy.

More specifically, you are elitist or an elitist; you aspire to social classes higher than your own and are intolerant of lower social classes than your own (or even of your own social class). You may be termed a social climber if you aspire to advance quickly to higher social levels, especially by association with members of that class.

Your actions may make you snobbish or a snob; you rebuff, avoid or ignore things or people you perceive as inferior, especially to the point of offense or vulgarity.

You may also be an aristocrat; of the belief that those in superior social standing are the most fit to rule over all (which is self-reinforcing; those in leadership positions typically gain wealth and celebrity from being in the position). While the connotation of the word implies no inherent disrespect, most aristocrats are in superior social standing themselves, in which case the person asserts themselves to be superior to lower classes by esposing this belief.

Another useful term is high-hatting, which means treating in a condescending or supercilious manner. Thesaurus.com lists verb high-hat as a synonym of verb condescend.

Supercilious, by the way, means “arrogantly superior; showing contemptuous indifference; haughty”. Arrogant typically means “having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt for others”. Noun contempt is similar in meaning to nouns scorn or disdain.