Phrase to mean one is described by his name [duplicate]

I found in some other languages such as Chinese an interesting idiom which describes some people; for example, when you see a person is named "Smart" and he/she is really smart, one would say: "a name fits his person" as a literal translation.

I would like to see if there is some specific phrase, idiom or proverb to describe such a situation.

Solution 1:

Consider the phrase aptly named:

A dog called Snoozy who lies around on the couch all day is aptly named...


aptly named/described/called etc: named, described etc in a way that seems very suitable

The aptly named Skyline Restaurant provides spectacular views of the city below.


We ​spent a ​week at the aptly ​named Grand View Hotel.

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Solution 2:


They didn't call you [Smart] for nothing!

Spanish Language StackExchange

[Smart], you sure live up to your name.

live up to something: to be as good as you said or thought something >would be. Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms.

Angel, you sure live up to your name. Limestone

[Smart], your name fits you to a tee/like a glove.

to a tee: exactly; perfectly AHD

Quite a suitable/well chosen/appropriate/apposite name, indeed.

apposite: appropriate or relevant : chose an apposite name for the dog; felt the comments were not apposite to the discussion. [Latin appositus, past participle of appōnere, to put near : ad-, ad- + pōnere, to put; see apo- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® Dictionary

Couldn't think of a better name!

Solution 3:

Such a name can be called a euonym:

a name well suited to the person, place, or thing named

Source: Merriam-Webster

Solution 4:

It might be worth looking at the hypothesis of nominative determinism.