Suitable terms for something created or caused by God

What terms can I use for describing something as created or caused by God?

For example, if I wanted to say "There's nothing God-created about HIV" (context: someone claiming God gave gays HIV), I could say "There's nothing divine about HIV", but it feels awkward, because "divine" is commonly used to mean "good", apart from the phrase "divine retribution". Are there any more suitable alternatives? Alternatively, is "divine" acceptable?

Wiktionary lists as synonyms to "divine" the words "deific", "godlike", and "godly", but none of them seem suitable.

I believe you need a minimum of two words to convey the meaning. Then you can have :

HIV has no divine origin.

There is no divine punishment in HIV.

No divine intervention can be claimed in the appearance of HIV.

You could say:

There is nothing supernatural about HIV:

of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.

I would say there is nothing providential about the virus:

1: of, relating to, or determined by Providence

2 (archaic) : marked by foresight ; prudent

3: occurring by or as if by an intervention of Providence

'There is no Providence in HIV' would be an alternate way of putting it.

Unlike "divine", there is no undercurrent of goodness over evil; at times it means lucky vs unlucky, or planned vs unplanned, but doesn't have the moral connotation.

You could use Praeternatural which refers to something that exists outside nature.

To say there is nothing praeternatural about HIV states that is is perfectly natural. In common usage, the word is often used as a synonym to exceptional.

You have avoided reference to any deity or supernatural being.