How do I collect this collectable in "Is it safe to ride?"?

I 'need' to reach the space above the exit door to collect the awkward noise generator on the table, but I can't just stack the assorted furnishings as the fan will blow any lightened objects to the right.

The room

How do I reach the collectable?

The puzzle is the third part of 'Is it safe to ride?' just after the bit where you throw the safe and then jump on it.

I can't remember that puzzle exactly, so I don't know if it's possible in the context of this puzzle, but it seems like the most logical solution given you're in the bit of the game that teaches you this trick, so try the following:

  1. In the Fluffy Dimension pick-up a piece of furniture (a table is ideal) and move to the position shown in the image.

  2. Throw the piece of furniture so that it fly over to the location of the collectable.

  3. Very quickly switch to the Slow Dimension.

  4. Jump on the thrown piece of furniture.

  5. Wait for the furniture to finish it's journey, delivering you to the collectable.
    You might have to jump the last bit of the gap yourself.

If this gives you trouble because you can't get a high enough arc on the thrown object while still being able to jump on it, then you might be able to pull off the trick by instead throwing the object from as far back on the ground level as possible (with a higher arc) then running around to the top level and jumping on to it then (you'd need to swap to Slow very quickly after throwing) - without having the game here to test, though, I'm not sure which of the two presents the most reliable approach.