Is it possible to use the RMAH with paypal without texting?

I have a PayPal account and a credit card, but I don't have texting. Is it possible to use the real money auction house without it?

Solution 1:

Short answer; no you do not need SMS protect to use the Real Money Auction House, but some features relating to your balance and PayPal may be unavailable - like cashing out your balance.

Long answer; I do not use the SMS protect service but I do have the mobile authenticator application installed on my iDevice: Account Security

To date I have performed the following Balance/Real Money Auction House actions, and have not once been asked to sign up for the SMS Protect service;

  • sold items on the Diablo III Real Money Auction House,
  • purchased an item on the Diablo III Real Money Auction House,
  • topped up my balance using a debit card transaction,
  • used my balance to purchase character services for World of Warcraft.

With this in mind, I am unsure what restrictions not using SMS protect applies to your account. The FAQ for SMS protect says that this service is provided for the following features;

  • unlock your account using your mobile phone,
  • remove an unwanted authenticator from your account,
  • recover your account name,
  • reset your password.

Personally I have never used PayPal with my account, however, this page from the Blizzard FAQs regarding PayPal indicates that signing up to Mobile Alerts is required to 'sync' your account with PayPal, in order to use PayPal to top up your balance, or purchase value added services from Blizzard (like RMAH or account customisation services for WoW) using PayPal.

Solution 2:

Yes, you can use the RMAH without texting, you just need the Blizzard authenticator app. Whether you can download the money to Paypal or not is a different story, but you can do other things with the money, for example exchange the money in RMAH to gold and buy gear.