Filling PDF Forms with PHP [closed]
Are there PHP libraries which can be used to fill PDF forms and then save (flatten) them to PDF files?
Solution 1:
The libraries and frameworks mentioned here are good, but if all you want to do is fill in a form and flatten it, I recommend the command line tool called pdftk (PDF Toolkit).
You can call the command line from php, and the command is
formfile.pdf fill_form
fieldinfo.fdf output
outputfile.pdf flatten
You will need to find the format of an FDF file in order to generate the info to fill in the fields. Here's a good link for that:
[Edit: The above link seems to be out of commission. Here is some more info...]
The pdftk command can generate an FDF file from a PDF form file. You can then use the generated FDF file as a sample. The form fields are the portion of the FDF file that looks like
<< /T(f1-1) /V(text of field) >>
<< /T(f1-2) /V(text of another field) >>
You might also check out php-pdftk, which is a library specific to PHP. I have not used it, but commenter Álvaro (below) recommends it.
Solution 2:
A big +1 to the accepted answer, and a little tip if you run into encoding issues with the fdf file. If you generate the fields.fdf and upon running
file -bi fields.fdf
you get
application/octet-stream; charset=binary
then you've most likely run into a UTF-16 character set issue. Try converting the ftf by means of
cat fields.fdf | sed -e's/\x00//g' | sed -e's/\xFE\xFF//g' > better.fdf
I was then able to edit and import the better.fdf file into my PDF form.
Hopefully this saves someone some Google-ing
Solution 3:
I've had plenty of success with using a form that submits to a php script that uses fpdf and passes in the form fields as get variables (maybe not a great best-practice, but it works).
$pdf=new PDF();
and the you could have something like this.
<form action="fooPDF.php" method="post">
<p>PDF CONTENT: <textarea name="content" ></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" /></p>
This skeletal example ought to help ya get started.