Using twitter bootstrap 2.0 - How to make equal column heights?

Solution 1:

Here's a responsive CSS solution, based on adding a large padding and an equally large negative margin to each column, then wrapping the entire row in in a class with overflow hidden.

    margin-bottom: -99999px;
    padding-bottom: 99999px;

    overflow: hidden;   

You can see it working at jsFiddle


In response to a question, here's a variation if you need equal height wells or equal height columns with rounded corners:


In response to a question, here's the same technique in Bootstrap 3, same principle, just update the class names in the Bootstap grid:

Solution 2:

Try something like this (not very elegant, though):

    'height': $('.well').height()

The jQuerys height() method returns the highest value when multiple elements are selected.

See the jsFiddle:

Solution 3:

jQuery's height() method returns the value of the "first element in the set of matched elements". The answer in only works because the first element in the row is also the highest.

Here's another jQuery based solution:

(Via this answer:

Solution 4:

Expanding upon the answers already given, I have just solved this using jquery and underscore. The snippet below equalizes the height of my wells and alerts that appear on a given row, regardless of where the tallest one appears:

$('.well, .alert').height(function () {
    var h = _.max($(this).closest('.row').find('.well, .alert'), function (elem, index, list) {
        return $(elem).height();
    return $(h).height();

Solution 5:

$.fn.matchHeight = function() {
  var max = 0;

  $(this).each(function(i, e) {
    var height = $(e).height();
    max = height > max ? height : max;

